Friday, May 14, 2010


I've come up with what I think is a novel idea, right............................anyway at least I think it might be but doable I'm not sure it would fly.

We've got a shortage of teachers in this country and we have teachers who feel they aren't paid enough and in most cases I'd agree with the pay issue. I'm no teacher or at least no teacher according to the requirements of our Federal, State and Local governments, that is to say they feel it necessary to have a college degree in something to teach something totally different than said degree in a lot of cases. Well try this on for size, we have a vast number of folks in this country with knowledge beyond imagine, untapped knowledge that could be used. We have literally hundreds of thousands of retired Americans that I'm sure would help out for at least a few years in fixing this problem. Yes, retired Americans that maybe have been retired for a few years and now would like to try something else. I would and could almost guarantee that we would end up with enough volunteers to fill or take some of these teaching jobs.

What about the requirements of a degree, well there's more to knowledge than a degree from a college. No not just street smarts, but years of knowledge in the work force, it's been said that this experience is worth far more than a college degree and the just plain common sense they would apply to these jobs would help considerably in my opinion. What does a teacher have today, a teaching guide to follow and schedules as to what to teach and what to say each day and then they themselves cram each night so they know what their teaching tomorrow!

Then there's the pay, a great number of these retired Americans would do this job for nothing, and others for half of what the teachers of today make and then some for even less that than just to be able to have summers off and every holiday known to mankind. Are you kidding me, summers off, and more holidays that you really know what to do with and get paid matter how much I'll take it. Now if you remember I said earlier help out for a few years, some no doubt would take the jobs for longer and some for shorter periods of time, but it sure wouldn't cost as much for these teachers and you can bet they'd get the job done! Some day I'll tell you about the year I volunteered in a middle school and worked as a teachers aid for the entire school year, it was very rewarding and something a lot of retired Americans would tackle to help out this country.

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