Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Gas Tax

Today, Congress once again ignored what Americans want and introduced a new gasoline tax as part of a global warming bill that also contains a cap and trade energy tax on utilities. The section on the gas tax begins on p. 361 of the bill which you can find here:

This bill requires American oil companies to pay a fee to the government for their global warming emissions. Introduced my Senator Kerry and Lieberman who by the way are offended that anyone would call this a gas tax, but don't be fooled this is a government requirement and will most certainly be passed on to the American consumer. You don't think the oil and gas companies will take it in the shorts by the government and not pass that cost onto us do you? At present 71% of Americans oppose this bill but that don't seem to bother our elected officials, the same officials that work for us. In addition, this bill creates a cap and trade system that will dramatically increase the cost of residential and commercial electricity prices.

Even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says cap and trade will kill jobs and reduce American productivity, so why then do these fools in Washington do this on their own? It's funny how they us the CBO to their benefit when it suits them and ignore the CBO when it goes against their wishes.

With this one bill Congress will raise gas and electricity prices, raise the cost of energy, and kill jobs....................this is not what Americans are looking for right now! If this isn't another reason to get rid of all incumbents come November I don't know what is, we must put a stop to all this "change for Americans" before it's too late.

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