Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Price of protesting?

I'm a product of the 60's and I know something about war protest and I've actually been on both sides of the fence when it came to the Vietnam war or conflict. Folks in this country at least up until now still have the right to protest peacefully and let their opinions be heard, and that's a good thing in my opinion.

I'm not sure if there is or was any war that would be what one would call popular, war is not a popular thing because of the death and destruction it causes. People protest our involvement in wars no matter what the reasons for the United States to take part and again that's their right, but for Gods sake don't take it too far and don't use God as your excuse.

This is now coming to light again, the case of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder who was killed in the Iraq war. A fallen soldier of our United States fighting because his country asked him to, and killed in the line of duty. Four years ago a group lead by a church leader, Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas protest at the funeral of Lance cpl Matthew Snyder. You not only lost your son but now you have protester from a church no less yelling and screaming at your son's funeral. Protest signs that read: "Thank God for dead soldiers", "God sent IED'S", Thank God for 9/11", Don't pray for the USA", "God blew up the troops" and many more. Your upset you sue the protesters and after years you win a law suit and are award 5 million and then the ruling is over turned by a higher court and the judge there not only reverses the monetary award but orders you to pay the court cost of the church and protesters! Yes, your son died serving his country and his funeral is protested by far left liberal religious fanatics and now your ordered to pay their court cost! Talk about pouring salt into a wound, that would be the ultimate, and now hopefully this will go to the supreme court and at least the paying of the $16,000.00 plus court cost can be over turned.

You can Google Lance cpl Matthew Snyder and read the story if you'd like and then too another note is that Fox News' Bill O'Reilly has said if need be he would pay the court cost for the Snyder family.

Does anyone know what's next and where our country is going...................By the way I heard yesterday my home town of Davenport, Iowa is wanting to change the name of "Good Friday" to something called Spring Day or Spring Holiday..............WTF

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