Sunday, June 11, 2017

Moving on

     Sunday morning and it's time to start breaking down thinks around the camp in preparation for our departure to the coast on Monday morning.  Hard to believe this week at Cherry Valley is over already, but we are looking forward to making it to the coast.  Next stop Morro Strand Bay and a few days camping at Morro Strand RV park.  
     It's been a very relaxing week here at Cherry Valley Lakes, and the one local activity we planned on taking in we actually missed.  The annual Lavender Festival was held this weekend, and we tried to get there but my God the traffic and the walk to get into the farm was a nightmare!  Parking was in places close to a miles walk from the car to the farm, and they even had shuttles from in town parking at the high school and shuttling to the farm..........shuttle lines were blocks long!  Bottom line, this must be one helluva big deal to folks around here to see a field of lavender flowers.  Well it was probably the lavender ice cream, lavender smoothies, lavender jams and jellies, lavender cheese, lavender this and lavender that................besides, the smell of lavender is not one of my favorites!
     We did some face-time with Matt and the girls this morning, miss them as usual and enjoyed seeing and talking to them.  Mia is getting so so big...........we'll have to get acquainted upon our return home later this fall.
     I'll be checking it when we get settle at our first stop along the coast, hope it's a nice place since all we've seen are pictures on the web.  Time to get started putting things in there places for travel.......until next time!

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