Tuesday, June 20, 2017

It's been 9 days, 9 full days!

     Last blog post was when we were leaving Cherry Valley and now we've landed in Marina, CA just a couple of miles north of Monterey.  We've spent 4 days at Morro Strand RV park on Morro Bay and another 4 days at Mugu Beach State Park campground, all this along highway 1 the PCH (Pacific Coast Hwy).  If you follow Bev or I on FB then you've no doubt seen pictures of all these stops already and some of the golf and other activities we've encountered, and folks we've hooked up with.
     The weather has been fantastic if you like cool breezes off the Pacific Ocean, wrapping up in blankets and snuggles come bed time.  I didn't pack enough warm clothing and have had to buy a couple of hoodies and a long sleeve shirt just to keep warm while golfing and sitting around the camps in the evenings.  Oh well............was more than glad to have to buy them.
     A dear old friend hooked us up at Mugu Beach State camp, Otto Laszlo and his wife Pam camped there often and had just the right connections to accommodate the group for the 5 days there.  I met Otto through the tile business many years ago, he rep'd products we used and that I ordered and the friendship grew from there.  After I retired and Otto changed companies we didn't see each other as often but remained friends via FB and other means.  Otto is an animal, at the age of 70 he still surfs, paddle boards, mountain bikes the most rugged trails in California, and still finds time to still do a bit of work...........he's my idol.  We had some great chats around the camp fire at nights with Otto, Pam and their friends that camped there with us.  Thanks to Bernie,Igor, Chaya and Sasha and Bert for helping to entertain us and make for such a wonderful 5 days of camp life.  This was "dry camping" which means no hook-ups of electricity, water, sewer etc., boon-docking if you will.  We learned we could do this last year at Bristol for a week, so five days was a snap, and meant no TV which was kind of refreshing for a change!
     Now we're in Marina, CA and looking forward to some golf along the coast (no, not Pebble beach the two day package of $1577 just seems a bit steep for a couple duffers like we are) and some beach exploring.  This course we play on Thursday looks like a poor mans Pebble beach from the pictures, we'll see about that (only $98 a round) and take some pictures on Thursday, but they do have some holes along the coast line that ought to be picturesque if nothing else.
     We're back in the part of the country that produces a big percentage of our nations fruit and vegetables among a whole slew of other things including some pretty good wine!  Our visit to the community of Solvang, CA, a Danish community right down to the style of buildings to the food available in most eateries.  And we can't forget the World famous Andersen's Pea Soup, so thick and creamy to, was really some of the best I've ever eaten.  It was good having some locals (Otto and Pam from Simi Valley) giving us ideas as what to see and where to see it, like Solvang for example.
     Well tomorrow is laundry day in the morning and some sight seeing in the afternoon in preparation for our golfing tomorrow (Thursday the 22nd), check out FB for some additional pics in a few days.
Morro Bay....The Rock

Otto and Bev heading to the beach at Mugu Bay

Slovang, CA


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Moving on

     Sunday morning and it's time to start breaking down thinks around the camp in preparation for our departure to the coast on Monday morning.  Hard to believe this week at Cherry Valley is over already, but we are looking forward to making it to the coast.  Next stop Morro Strand Bay and a few days camping at Morro Strand RV park.  
     It's been a very relaxing week here at Cherry Valley Lakes, and the one local activity we planned on taking in we actually missed.  The annual Lavender Festival was held this weekend, and we tried to get there but my God the traffic and the walk to get into the farm was a nightmare!  Parking was in places close to a miles walk from the car to the farm, and they even had shuttles from in town parking at the high school and shuttling to the farm..........shuttle lines were blocks long!  Bottom line, this must be one helluva big deal to folks around here to see a field of lavender flowers.  Well it was probably the lavender ice cream, lavender smoothies, lavender jams and jellies, lavender cheese, lavender this and lavender that................besides, the smell of lavender is not one of my favorites!
     We did some face-time with Matt and the girls this morning, miss them as usual and enjoyed seeing and talking to them.  Mia is getting so so big...........we'll have to get acquainted upon our return home later this fall.
     I'll be checking it when we get settle at our first stop along the coast, hope it's a nice place since all we've seen are pictures on the web.  Time to get started putting things in there places for travel.......until next time!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

What a difference........

     On this our 9th day of this journey of 2017, I fine a couple of differences already.  The first that comes to mind is after 9 days there is a huge difference in miles driven.  After 9 days in the last 8 years trips we would have driven a minimum of 1800 miles by now, this year only 335 miles so far.  Another difference is the temperatures, boy what a difference that has been!  This will be the last trip we start out near Havasu/Parker AZ this time of the year, and what a difference just going another 180 miles down the road to Cherry Valley/Beaumont CA.  It was 108° when we left Havasu Springs RV Resort and this morning we woke up to 64° with a high predicted of 88° and going down as the week moves forward.  No A/C needed yesterday, windows open and a great breeze all day and into the night.
     After last years 9000 mile journey this is what we wanted to try this year, more time spent in stops and less miles driven over the length of the trip.  The only place we spent a week or more in years past were in Des Moines and Davenport Iowa, other than that it was a day or two here or there and moving on.  Don't get me wrong, we both like being "on the road" but this is going to be closer to traveling as full-timers rather than road warriors!  I just did some quick calculations, by traveling like this, we so far have spent $696.00 less in gas based on $2.40/gal and 6.2 miles per gallon (which is what we average).  Now a lot of this years trip will be in California and Governor Browns huge gas taxes on his people.  When leaving AZ we saw gas at $2.27/gal. and now in California we're seeing signs of $2.69 and a bit higher!  I filled up (topped off) at the last Flying J before entering CA and paid $2.22 with my nickle discount, we'll see what's ahead and report back.
     Going to scout out a couple of golf courses today, we are so close to Palm Springs/Palm Desert and all those great course of the Bob Hope Classic days but not sure we'll tackle one of the big boys.  There is a couple of courses within a mile or two of our campsite, we'll check them out first and maybe give it a go tomorrow.
     I've got some work to do around the coach this morning, and the weather is very suitable for taking care of those outside chores, taking advantage while I can.  Beverly is so happy to have internet and WiFi, she can get a bit of work done in the morning and hopefully have time for golf and stuff as the day moves on...............and my Amazon Fire Stick works now that we have WiFi too!


Friday, June 2, 2017

Temps are rising!

     Our first week can't end too soon, the temps next week here will be in the 106's to the 110's and we see our next stop will be a bit cooler.  Cherry Valley forecast looks to be in the 80's and that we can handle, hope that will be the case.
     Riding into town today, driving along the Colorado river I couldn't help but think of all this great river does for so many.  Just the fact that it supplies water to so many in itself is amazing, but the sheer enjoyment it bring all year to water craft enthusiasts amazes me.  Here it is Friday and the river for as far as I can see in either direction from our camp at Havana Springs to Parker, AZ is already bustling with boats of all sizes.  Then to that you add the jet skies, wave runners and floating devices and you have fun running amok!
     The small to the very large canyons it forms, like the Grand Canyon are in themselves a major pary of the beauty of this river and the great southwest we call home.  We've been tempted more than a few times to join the watercraft crowd, at one time wave runners to most recently pontoon boats.  Yes I heard all the stories of the two "best days of my life"......when I bought my boat, and when I sold my boat!  At this point I'll just wait for my family or friends to take me out when they join the club!
     I can't help but think today that in years past we'd be setting up camp at Adventureland in Des Moines for a week about now, then onto Davenport for both family reunions after that.  With all that's happen in our country this past year and some of the feeling not shared by some, this is going to be bitter sweet to some.  I just hope both reunions have the same and even more enthusiasm as the past few years.  I'm a firm believer we need to keep these family units and gatherings going strong especially for the little one to know their extended families.  Hope to see a lot of pictures from my nieces and nephews of these gatherings in the days following on FB etc.
     Well the library is closed here on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays, so our wifi today is Bev's hotspot while taking up space in a McDonalds......get me out of here!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Golf day 2 of day 4 of the journey.

     Played golf again today, this time an 18 hole course, Emerald Canyon Golf club Parker, AZ.  A very slow round with back-ups on each hole of a few minutes, but who's in a hurry right?  Interesting course, back in the canyons of the river and lakes of Havasu area.
     With the lack of wifi at the camp site, here we are at the library once more taking care of business.  I haven't visited a library since last years journey, what a great place to get this stuff done.  As you may have seen on the FB page, it's time for a BOMB or two when we get back to the coach.  The next two days will most likely be just relaxing around the camp and getting ready to hit some cooler temperatures heading west.
     This will be very short, just adding this because I'm here in the Parker, AZ library waiting for Bev to finish her work for the day.  It's hot here and we need to start heading towards the coast this weekend....................see ya later.