Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Carlos and West Coast Trans don't know shit from shineola!

     It's a good thing Carlos and the boys from West Coast Trans didn't charge us anything to speak of, because they could have and really didn't in the end know Transmissions like they think they do.  I did get brakes cleaned and check and the emergency brake repaired and all is working fine in that department....but they missed on the trans!  It acted up last night and once again we were lucky at where it all happen, right in front of Perry Jeep Chrysler and that's where it is now getting a transmission over-haul which will be a bit expensive.  In the end it will be a helluva lot more that a $100 but I guess we'll have a transmission until the old dog finally dies!  It's too bad the end of the journey had to be a bit stressful, but we've managed to roll with the punches very well and it's not getting us down.  Like I said before you plan for these things in you your home and we planned for things like this in our home on the road, so no big thing, we just deal with it and move on...................
     The kids did end up having a good time and some fun in the warm California sun, not sure it could have been too much better but regardless we made it and they even ended up staying an extra day or two.  Matt, Dayani, Dalila and Lisa took off this morning for Phoenix in the Jeep.  Lisa has some important things at work going on and Matt had some class assignments to get completed and Jack is out of school Thursday and Friday so he stayed with us (since he was going to even after we got home).  Now it's me and B and Jack makes three for the last few days...........Bev will be driving her Durango back to Phoenix and Jack will take over as my co-pilot.
     One thing I find and found hard to believe is that someone would think in our moments of dismay with vehicle problems that anyone of us would be lying about the problems just to get another day off!  No shit, I can't believe this, do we need to give the names of the service tech and the mechanic and send pictures of the vehicles up on the hoist?  I personally wish we had been lying because I have a whole lot of money in the bank that's not there now!  Better go for now before I go too far.................................

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