Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Obama's Health Care plan

It's all the talk on the news stations that Massachusetts will probably elect a Republican to replace Ted Kennedy to fill the "peoples seat" in the Senate. Yes, the peoples seat and not Ted Kennedy's seat as Ms. Coakly would have you believe. With a 6 to 1 Democrat to Republican ratio in registered voters in Massachusetts one wonders how something like this could happen if in fact it does since the polls aren't open as of this writing. It may just have something to do with how the people of the country really feel about Obama and his henchmen and the bill they are trying to get us to swallow in such a big damn hurry, in a hurry and behind closed doors! All Americans want health care reform, yes all of us from all three parties, but at what expense do we do this with all that's going on around us right now. With unemployment at a real percentage of roughly 17% counting all people looking for work and those that have given up already, do we really need all these tax increases that everyone one with half a brain knows will come back to all of us tax payers? If your of the liberal persuasion you have to know deep down inside this is true and you too are and have been lied to over and over again.

I also heard again today how if by some way a health care bill like this 2000 pages of junk does indeed get passed 22 state to this point are going to opt out of this program, now that alone will be a big increase to the number of uninsured . Come on people with the bribes and sweet heart deals being made by Reed and Polosi and the anointed one can you honestly say this is the sort of "change" you wanted and indeed looked forward to getting? Now besides the 22 states (to this point in time) that will opt out we also hear today that besides the unions getting to keep "Cadillac plans"until the year 2018, now the Amish do not have to participate either. Yes Nancy Polosi that's what your saying now and you know what the rest of the country will be saying, "we too have religious freedom and want to be exempt also." What a can of worms these crooks have opened up now with the Amish being exempt.................Wow no body is stopping to think before they speak when the do speak, maybe this too should have been kept behind those closed doors!

I'm afraid the Obama health care ship is sinking and none too soon if you ask me, this bill is something that the way it has been written cost way too much for a country in bankruptcy and we shouldn't be strapped with something we can't afford. If you want to get closer to seeing everyone insured, get them jobs so they can afford to buy insurance like the rest of us and for Gods sake don't make those of us responsible with our lives pay for those that don't give a crap and only put their hands out! Somebody tell these Democrats that we have more important things on our plates, Jobs....Jobs....Jobs.....and our Economy.................why are they in such a hurry to spend us into bankruptcy? In times like this we should be lowering taxes and not all the increases up front and hidden or called something other than taxes when we all know their really tax increases!

Massachusetts seems like as good a place as any for a "Tea Party" now doesn't it?

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