That’s not a question that President Obama and his team of loyalists from the 2008 campaign are likely to ask, because they don’t much care about the answer. It is an irony of the Obama administration (given that it is staffed with so many people with high-level experience during Bill Clinton's presidency, including one Cabinet member named Clinton) that its basic attitude toward Clinton-style governance is hostile. Obama and White House aides are courteous to the 42nd President when he calls, but in private many of those aides sound very much like George W. Bush advisers in disparaging the Clinton years. The people around Obama are romantics, they dream of Obama as a transformational figure looming large on history’s stage. They see Clinton as at best a transitional figure, whose poll-tested practical and tested policies loom small. But perhaps they are feeling a bit less cocky these days, after a loss in the Massachusetts Senate special election that has revealed deep problems for Democrats and, arguably, serious miscalculations in Obama’s governing strategy.
I think it's time to stop trying so hard to be the "anointed one" and start doing what you promised your loyal many promises not kept so far, least of which is your transparency promise. Let's not worry about being on TV everyday somewhere and talking about something we all know about already. All we have to do is watch you once on TV to see that your just reading what someone else is telling you to say. This president spends more in having someone set-up and take down his teleprompters and input someone Else's words for him to the way have you noticed that during his speeches he looks from the left to the right and back to the left and back to the right but never and I mean never looks straight ahead at the people at home viewing him, that's because the prompters are one to his left and one to his right and nothing in the middle! I personally feel that in order to be a good leader you need to be able to speak to the people from the cuff/heart and if you'll notice when Obama does this he's full of huh's and stammers all over the place.
Sometimes you need to us time tested strategies from folks with a bit of experience in governing and not just experience in rigging elections with Acorn and community organizing with communist and socialist friends using you as a front man.