Friday, October 16, 2009


We all hope to retire someday, most of us strive to retire at as early an age as possible to live out and fulfil our dreams. For the average middle class wage earner this is becoming increasingly harder to do, to retire at an age where your young enough to still do those things you've dreamed of. I worked for right at 50 years, yes actually was drawing a wage even though it wasn't taxable at the time it was still a wage. I sold garden seeds, flower seeds and all occasion cards door to door at the age of 12 and 13 years old. Living in Iowa then I also mowed lawns and shoveled snow for income, you see growing up in Iowa gave us willing to do so year round work. My folks couldn't afford to buy me the type of jeans I wanted to wear or some of the other things so I earned to buy those things myself. I had a paper route in Sacramento, California and had a supervisor that believed in teaching young men business and how to run one properly. A paper route in Sacramento at the time and under the tutelage of Mr. Vigor was not just throwing a newspaper on someones porch and collecting a few bucks weekly. This was run like a business, learning to use a checking account, incentives for new subscribers and collections made on time and all this with no complaints from customers, I'll never forget Mr. Vigor and all he taught me about business. Anyway to get back on the subject, no matter what you've done for work or how much you earned you most likely still never put enough away for your retirement. You get to a point were you think your close, you think you have it all figured out and any number of things can derail your plans. Like the mess we've been going through as a country the past couple of years, this damaged ecomomy has thrown alot of folks including me and my wife into a tailspin. The future was looking bright, we had what we wanted and could see bright skies off in the distance and then we had the rug pulled out from underneath us! We will figure out a way to survive, we will figure out a way to retire together and still have some fun, and we will do this because we want it. Let me just say, if your still young enough and retirement is still a few years off what ever you do don't forget your retirement account. No matter what your investing into your retirement now is probably not going to be enough, so make it more even if it hurts a bit becasue you'll be glad you did. I hope no one younger that I has to go through with their retirement funds what we've had to endure the past couple of years, but don't let that detour you from building that nest egg because it will be worth it.

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