Saturday, October 17, 2009

Are you in fear of Czars?

You do realize that roughly only 50% of Americans voted for and approve of this President. Does the 50% that approve ever think about the 50% that don't approve and why they might not approve? These are your friends, neighbors, relatives, they sit in the pew next to you at church, are you totally correct in your thinking or just too blind to the fact that the anointed one might not be the person you thought he was? Have you never found yourself questioning some of the things he's doing and the real changes he wants to make to OUR country? Have you watched any of the before and after video's of his promise speeches or counted how many promises he's already broken? Has it ever occurred to you that when you type his name spell check does not recognize it and wants you to change or correct it? Have you really looked at some of Obama's Czars? Do you have concerns when it comes to the people our President surrounds himself with?

I just deleted eight paragraphs with a bit about 6 Czars and two advisers, these paragraphs went into some detail of each and their beliefs. I figured you'd probably start reading but quit part way through so why bother. If you want to get scared a bit and worry for our country, just check the following folks out and look into their beliefs. You'll find some of the most radical, racist, communist/socialist people you'd ever want to put a finger on. Just do yourself a favor and look up what you can find on these Czars for yourself, Energy Czar Carol Browner, Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd, Science Czar John Holdren, Regulatory Czar Cass Susstein, Communications Czar Anita Dunn, Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett and last but not least Chief of Staff Rahm (Rahmbo) Emanuel, and Ex-Green Czar but still hanging around Van Jones. We have a diverse mixture of Socialist, Communist, Mao worshipping, abortion advocating strong arm individuals, look for yourself please.

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