Monday, September 28, 2009

Matt & Family heading home!

Well it's been right at 3 months since Matt was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and as most of you know he's been staying with us since leaving the hospital on July 7th, 2009. Well after his last doctor visit (with his cardiologist) the doctor said he'd improved enough to go back to his house and that was great news. We didn't get a new EF (ejection factor) number but the news was still good, according to the doctor as long as Matt feels good and is not getting sick his heart is healing. The meds he's taking are strengthening the heart muscle and his diet and exercise is helping those meds get the job done. We really got used to Matt, Dayani and Dalila living with us, for the most part it has been one big happy family since Lisa and Jack are here also. But as much as we hated to see them go, we're also very happy for Matt and his steady recovery and know this too can only help as long as he tows the line with diet and exercise.

There can be a strain on any relationship when families of adults try and live together under one roof and we had a few days ourselves, but all in all it was a good experience and very rewarding at the same time. The biggest strain might have been on Bev and myself, as soon as we can see clear to hit the road I think we might just do that. Don't get me wrong, there's not anything we wouldn't do for the kids or haven't already done but we could use a little time to ourselves now that Matt is improving so. Matt calls tomorrow to set up his appointment with the University Medical Center in Tucson, initial testing and who know what else to get approve for a transplant if and when that time ever does arrive. As long as he keeps improving this will be just a back-up in case things don't get better, but the way he's going right now we're hoping never to have to utilize their services..................cross your fingers and prayer with us!

The past couple of weeks I kind of just stayed out of every ones way and spent a lot of time in the RV. Bev and I slept there each night but I spent a little extra time out there just to make things better for Matt and Dayani in the house, and I think it helped leaving them help handle their meals etc. It seemed there were times I tried to over due things and it just wasn't worth getting Matt upset and I think it worked out well. With Matt working for Beverly, we'll still see him in the office a few days a week and the rest of the time he'll be working from home. We're all going to miss Dalila very much.............what a little doll!

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