Monday, June 1, 2009

GM....Government Motors

Well it's now official, our government is in the auto industry with both feet! "I don't want to run GM"..............thank you Mr. Obama we don't really want you to, try running our country from the oval office and not the front row seats at a Broadway play or the theater. Try running our country from the oval office rather than from the Tonight Show, or Air Force 1, or Las Vegas (where you tried to ruin their image as the convention capital of the world and vacation destination with your comments that even pissed off the democratic Governor of that state) and keep that gas burning jet on the tarmac please! You should have let GM go into bankrupcy from the get go rather that give them more cash upon more cash, but no that's not how you take control of a company and force them or TRY and force them into making cars a handful of tree huggers want on the roads. No, you wanted to be sure all those millions upon millions of dollars in donations from the UNIONS got repaid and now they too own more of the company the original owners! Wow.........and you don't think your nearing the point of socialism yet?

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