Friday, June 12, 2009

The economy

I just sent some pictures and a couple of links to a good friend of mine showing and talking about the new "City Center" in Las Vegas. While in Las Vegas as a quest of the MGM group I stayed at the Luxor and Mandalay Bay and while in my suite I watched a video on the new City Center project. This is an amazing project and should be another beautiful addition to Las Vegas and the strip and all wealthy visitors. The MGM group with what sounds like a bit of help from our friends in Dubai are building a spectacular community right in and on the middle of the strip. Now these condos and shops will be a bit out of my price range even for a few days of shopping and dinning but I will take a tour of what we can visit when it's done just to see how the other half lives so to speak! Looking at this massive expansion going on just shows me that our economy isn't in as bad a shape as we think maybe and if your not strapped to a mortgage that's killing you and working your probably not in too bad a shape.

We fix things and our economy fixes things on it's own if just left alone to do so.........I see bright spots all over our country and that's good!

Hopefully we're not too old to learn..........

Received this e-mail this morning and I’m not exactly sure I’d agree that we’re stupid, because usually we learn from our mistakes and maybe we’re just getting a whole lot to learning right now! I guess we’ll see one day down the line………….

Two Quotes to Ponder:

“Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.” -- John Wayne

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.”
-- Barack Obama

Are we now beginning to understand what the second quote means and what the first quote says about us?

Monday, June 1, 2009


Did I hear correctly today, our president after GM declares bankruptcy our President says to all his people especially all those additional folks that are about to lose their jobs along with the hundreds of thousands that are already out of work that we are to sacrifice for the sake of the next generation. Is that the "American Dream", do sacrifice for the next generation? We've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in our pension plans and retirement plans and 401K's, but that's not enough, lets do some more sacrificing for the next generation.
Please tell me where this Cat comes up with this crap................even you far left tree hugger's have to be getting a bit tired of what comes out of this fellow's mouth at times! Mr. President, we do not want to live in a socialistic state, we actually like our democracy and would like you to leave your hands off.

I try, I really try, but it's very hard!

I kid you not, I'm trying and trying to snuggle up to this president because he is the president but he makes it so oh so hard to do!
This guy could just go down in history as the president that ruined our country financially, with too much government interference where there should be none. Our financial system takes care of itself in due time, corrections are made and things do get back to normal eventually if you let them run the courses. The housing industry with NO help from Obama is slowly making the corrections needed and will recover despite what our President does or doesn't do. What stimulus, talk to a handful of mortgage brokers and lets see if his plans are helping or if folks are just working it out for themselves and picking up great deals in the process.
No Mr. President, mind your own business of running the country and try bringing some troops home rather than keep sending more over to YOUR war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Oh did you think we forgot about the troops and the war and your promises to bring the boys home in whatever was your ridiculous number of days........................spend some time in the oval office and less time burning jet fuel hopping around the country in AF1.

GM....Government Motors

Well it's now official, our government is in the auto industry with both feet! "I don't want to run GM"..............thank you Mr. Obama we don't really want you to, try running our country from the oval office and not the front row seats at a Broadway play or the theater. Try running our country from the oval office rather than from the Tonight Show, or Air Force 1, or Las Vegas (where you tried to ruin their image as the convention capital of the world and vacation destination with your comments that even pissed off the democratic Governor of that state) and keep that gas burning jet on the tarmac please! You should have let GM go into bankrupcy from the get go rather that give them more cash upon more cash, but no that's not how you take control of a company and force them or TRY and force them into making cars a handful of tree huggers want on the roads. No, you wanted to be sure all those millions upon millions of dollars in donations from the UNIONS got repaid and now they too own more of the company the original owners! Wow.........and you don't think your nearing the point of socialism yet?