Monday, May 11, 2009

Lighten up folks..........

I didn't hear David Fehery's stab at humor live, but have read about it in Internet sports columns. My God people you hear these kinds of things everyday in your work place, on the playgrounds, out with the boys or with the girls and you either laugh or blow these types of comments off. So then why let our more and more liberal press stir up crap like this and cause good commentators to possibly lose their jobs.
I will tell you this, his comment (I'm paraphrasing) if you were in an elevator with Pelosi, Reed and Osama and had a gun with only two bullets what would you do? Shoot Pelosi twice and strangle the other two, is something over 50% of this country might not have a problem with.
Holy cow..........lets just lighten up a bit.

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