Thursday, May 14, 2009

Has the King spoken?

Here we have a Senator that did not finish his first and only term, and now he's president and from what I see on TV and in the news he spends about as much time in the White House as he did the Senate...........which wasn't much. Every Wednesday he has a two hour meeting with staff going over polls and focus group studies so he can decide which way he needs to swing this week. Well this past week it was...........dude we need more money, we need to raise taxes on more than just the top 5% of American wage earners! Let's see how will they not notice us taking more of their hard earned dollars from their welfare checks, I mean employment checks so we can maintain we're not raising taxes on 95% of Americans. OK here's our plan..........let's kill two birds with one stone, for the sake of health care and with Coke and all soda being bad for you, let's put a killer tax on all Coke (soda) purchases to help Americans with their health (and our money problems via the huge tax). Let's see and I also want to talk to the head of General Mills so we can have them stop telling Americans their Cheerios are healthy and good for them! Oh yes and one last thing this week, get me the CEO of Chrysler I need to tell him to cut his advertising in half and that will surely save them some money (may no help sell cars...)! A day in the life of our King.

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