Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Winding down and heading home

     Coming to you from Cherry Valley Lakes resort, Beaumont, California and yes this was our second stop back on June 7th for a week.  We will leave here on Wednesday or Thursday and head towards Overgaard, Arizona for a couple of weeks in hills of Arizona before landing in Phoenix and ending this our journey of 2017!
     It's been a different trip this year, spending more time at each stop and even spending time in Hotel rooms while the motor home had some remodeling done.  New flooring, some new furniture and this old 2006 model looks as good inside as the 2016's.........at least the one that counts thinks so, Beverly.  The coach turn over 70,000 miles coming into this stop and will most likely be at around 71000 by the time we get back to Phoenix and the Friendly Village of Orangewood.  I give the old girl credit, she's been running very well and had one hellava lot of mountains to go up and down over this trip.
     I think we missed the kids and grand kids more this trip and than any other trip we've taken.  I also think our newest grand baby Mia we really a big part of that because we really hadn't got to know her or her us before we left.  They change so much from two months to six months and not sure she understood face time on the phones and ipad's!  The same goes for Jack and Dalila, they just keep getting older and smarter and........................well we just love them so much!
     All in all the trip up the west coast line was very enjoyable and the cool temperatures helped, it wasn't hard at all to get used to temps in the 60's everyday, and the sound of the surf lapping against the shoreline in the evenings was nice to sleep by.  If not for the fact that California is so expensive to live there with the high taxes, high gas prices and a governor that continues to give away the store and take, take, take from the residents to fund so much bullshit it would be a great place to live.  If that "State of Jefferson" ever takes off, that would be the place to live.........but making north California another state might take much to do.  The north of California doesn't deserve the problems of SoCal and it's limousine liberals!  Oregon's coast line is spectacular and so beautiful but then you have the extremely liberal crap to contend with, stay way south of Portland and you may be OK and not have to survive their riots!  The sea food and especially the salmon is all so fresh and abundant, even got Bev to try and like I might add BBQ/grilled oysters.  We now wish we'd have done some salmon fishing while there, maybe next time.  Speaking of fishing, we would like to do a little of that while in Arizona for the last two weeks, maybe some trout can be had while we're there.
     I may have another blog while spending those last couple of weeks in Arizona's mountains and then again maybe not............I'm not sure these are being read or viewed by as many folks this year, the counter seems to move a bit slower this year.  This may just might not have been as an exciting journey as in years past as far as blogs go!


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