Saturday, January 8, 2011

History Channel or not...

I was just reading where the History Channel is dumping a project which is being called a controversial miniseries on the Kennedy family. It's being pulled basically because the Hollywood left doesn't like the portrayal of the Kennedy boys in the miniseries. History channel says it's pulling the plug on the project because "it does not fit the History brand", now this I find a joke!

The History channel stopped airing historical programs long ago when they decided to have programs like UFO's, Ancient Aliens, Pawn Star, Top Gear, Ax Men, and my favorite American Pickers! No the History channel is now just another commercialized branch of NBC, A&E, Walt Disney and the rest of the bunch. Where the hell is the ACLU on this one, can you say censorship? It seems odd that it's perfectly fine to show some of the one side crap put out by Oliver Stone or Michael Moore and their view of history but not when it comes to the Kennedy clan. Looks like Saints John, Bobby and Teddy have their way once more thanks to the Liberal media and the Ultra liberals in Hollywood.

I read through 141 comments on this article about the network pulling the plug on the Kennedy project, 141 comments from folks that read Yahoo news and I must say it seems to be in excess of 90% feel the same way about not airing the miniseries. Comments similar to mine above and others just saying things like "the truth hurts" to it's "un American not to air it" to Archie Bunker type editorials.

My main beef is the excuse, "it's not or doesn't fit the History brand"............Let's go pick'n for Aliens in our Hot Rods!

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