Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is it just me or...........................

I was reading a magazine the other day and on the cover was Opie Taylor from Mayberry, you know Ron Howard. Anyway while looking at his mug on the cover and reading all his many accomplishments and he has many, the kid done well from the days of Opie. What I notice first was his strangely bread with hair going every which way and in no particular order or length, and no really what you called by any means a "full beard"! Then it struck me, the dude is bald, bald as bald can be and really he has been for a long, long, time and he's had this funky red beard if that's what you'd call it for a long time also. But in looking at Opie and his bald head I thought to myself, you know there seems to be a whole lot more bald guys it seems than ever and most of them or at least quite a few of them have some sort of facial hair. I'd venture to say the majority of bald dudes had some kind of facial hair, percentage wise I'd be willing to bet that more bald guys have facial hair than those with full heads of hair, nice comb-able hair.

So I guess the bottom line is I have a blog with a question: Do bald guys grow hair on their faces because they can't grow it on top? Is it to try and put out there............hey I can grow hair, just not on the top of my head! I can't say what I'd do if I was to go bald all of a sudden, but I don't think I'd try and make up for the lack of hair on my head and grow a scraggly beard like the one Ron Howard supports. Opie, get your beard trimmed if you must wear one.

My answer, bald guys want us all to know they can grow hair somewhere, just not were the rest of us comb ours!

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