Sunday, November 28, 2010


Some of you know from face book or from talking to me since my birthday (11/23) about my receiving a book from my son and daughter-in-law as one of my gifts, the book entitled Broke by Glenn Beck. Wow........I can see the hair standing up on some of your necks already just hearing or reading the name Glenn Beck! Well too bad for you is all I can say about that, because I for one don't feel all that ill towards Mr. Beck that some do and I hope you continue to read why.

Did you enjoy History class while in school? Do we as a country still teach History in our schools? Is it the same History I was taught or the history of the past century and not beyond? This is something I'm not sure of and would really enjoy hearing from someone that knows the answers. I know I have scholars out there reading this, so please feel free to drop me an e-mail bringing me up to date on the schools of today.

Anyway, my point is this, Glenn Beck has become my history teacher now that I'm in my 60's and in my opinion a fine one at that. I do not watch Glenn Beck's show religiously by any means, but I do occasionally like his "History Friday" shows. I never was much of a reader and do remember some of what I was taught in my history classes but there is so much more to know and learn about our fore fathers and our Nation. Beck has me reading things like "George Washington's Sacred Fire", "Adams, Jefferson and Monroe", "The Constitution" and the "Declaration of Independence", and it helped visiting the Philadelphia area this past summer for a week or so during Independence Day celebrations.

I have an ex-son-in-law ranting about Beck being "one of the rich" extorting money from the poor somehow and on and on because I showed a picture of his book "Broke" on facebook as one of my birthday gifts. In case you haven't seen it the book cover show Glenn Beck in white T-shirt with Uncle Sam on the front all dressed in red, white and blue and pockets pulled out empty and palms up depicting the fact that our Nation is Broke! And so Glenn himself has a bewildered look on his face, palms up and pockets pulled out empty as Uncle Sam does on his T-shirt. So I get this long ass e-mail and facebook message and comment on facebook telling me that Glenn Beck wants me to think he's broke as if I should buy his book to help him get out of debt or something.....................wrong! This is a good example of looking at the pictures and not reading content, no where does he say he's broke or even talks about his financial status. I've only read the first three chapters so far and let me tell you it reads like a history book plain and simple. It's a hard read for me because it reads like a history book and I'm not sure I was expecting that when I first opened it.

Bottom line is all you history buffs out there would really enjoy the book and I'm drudging my way through it as I did in school and trying to retain a small portion of what I'm reading. For some reason if you weren't a reader growing up it even gets harder when your 64 trying to learn to do this all over again. One thing all of us must keep in mind is that our Nation is in trouble right now financially and we need jobs to get things going once more along with less spending and debt reduction. One line is seems the far left (and the book really isn't about left vs. right or Rep vs. Dem.......especially since Beck blames Bush and his admin. as much as anyone) does believe or understand is this, "When was the last time a poor person created a job?" We want to tax the wealthy and give to the poor via the government..............and the jobs the government creates are government jobs that require more tax dollars to pay those employees! Is it too hard to understand that we don't need more government jobs that we can't pay for, we need private sector jobs creating more jobs and so on................sorry, anyway the book is not about Beck or his wealth or beating down the left, it's some good history lessons so far and I plan on reading on. I'll give more book reports as I go along like it or not!

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