Friday, October 14, 2016

More trouble ahead, more than some will admit.

    " My candidate for president is flawed, my candidate for president is nasty, my candidate for president is shady beyond reproach and I wish we all had another choice but this is what it is."  I'm afraid we all will be voting for what we feel is the better of two evils, the least of two despicable human beings that are or have been driven by money, power and not what's best for our country!
     Only because you may know me can you tell who my candidate is, those that don't know me from Adam might think I'm talking about either candidate in this election cycle.  The above can easily describe either candidate for president, the difference is as a Trump supporter I know what I will be voting for and can admit it, those on the left still have the blinders on and can't admit their candidate is exactly what Trump calls her.........."a crook" no doubt about it.
     This is not a Hillary bashing blog so don't just turn it off thinking that I'm going to spend this time just finding fault with your beloved Hillary or your beloved Trump!  
     Yes that seems to be the difference between conservatives and liberal progressives, as conservatives we know and will admit our candidate at least was a sleaze-ball, but by having the liberal media backing the other candidate you only hear the evil of the other side.  As Trump supporters we wanted change from the old political standards, new blood and new ideas and we will openly admit Trump has turned out to be just what all you liberals say he is..............but we also know Hillary is more flawed when it comes to matters of state than you on the other side care to admit openly!  We all know now from leaked e-mails that Hillary is one person when speaking to you and a totally different person behind the scenes but you won't acknowledge those facts.  Facts, yes Trump is and was a womanizer, a bad boy, but we know exactly what we're getting with a vote for him.  On the other hand the same liberal, left leaning tree hugger that eight years ago proclaimed her a crook, nasty and married to a deplorable womanizer for some reason can't remember all that.  She is not a champion for women, she is only using being a woman to help get elected, she is not a champion for minority's but using them as a means to an end.   The same person your beloved Obama labeled so many dirty and illegal things and much more right along with you eight years ago is now squeaky clean in those same eyes..........unbelievable to me!  We know you are voting for her, but don't make her out to be this Mother Teresa type, the leaked e-mails don't lie.  Oh yes you probably don't even know of these e-mails because ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN do not report or go in depth on them....and heaven forbid you change channels once in a while to hear the other side of fair and balanced reporting.
     Trump most likely as we know has said and done some terrible things in his life as far as some are concerned.  All be it some 20 to 30 years ago in today's politics its all fair game.  He deserves all the scrutiny that is being reported on in the case of his comments about women and maybe some shady business dealing, just like so many other wealthy business men throughout the world.  Sometimes just like anybody would, he made money for his brand and his shareholders and others anyway he could legally or by using the laws to his advantage.......can't say Hillary didn't do the same, but won't hear any of her supporters say so.
     Hillary you must admit, has put our country at risk with her decisions from e-mails, servers, to the mysterious disappearance of so many of those willing to blow the whistle on her and the phony foundation.  Just today the White house has been implicated in some of the latest e-mails released, some very shady things that would put any one of you reading this in prison no doubt about it.  There are now cover-ups far worse than Watergate and beyond, but deep down we all know this is business as usual in Washington.
    Trump has been a real nasty dude, down right disgusting at times, Hillary is and has been a crook for a very long time and admit it or not you all know it's true.  We will all vote for the better of two evils (even though the left won't admit that) and Hillary will probably win because there are so many uninformed voters that will vote on gender, for Bill, and because that's just what minorities do year after year without knowing why.  It may be hard for some to admit, but if any of the other 16 republican candidates had won the primary this race would have been over months ago hands down.  Donald Trump is a flawed candidate, he is despicable in so many ways but we can say the exact thing about Hillary Clinton, she is definitely not without sin.  We would just like to hear from the left that this is true, even the highly educated can't admit these things and they are supposed to know better than the dummies questioned on the streets with their just plain stupid uneducated answers.
     Don't look now, but I can see an impeachment hearing on the horizon in the next couple of years!

You could listen to taped conversations from locker rooms, men and women's, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, military barracks, dorm rooms, sorority houses, fraternity houses and if you just read the transcripts you might not be able to tell which came from which..............well maybe you could but they both might be damaging to some virgin ears believe it.  Get down off that high horse!