Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday night, May 31st

Raton, NM. Border of NM and Colorado at the end of day two.  Only 290 miles today and that puts us behind a bit, late start, trouble dumping, all that made it a long day other than the miles driven.  Storms in the early evening and we did stop for the day at about 4 pm.  With reservations for Adventureland RV park in Altoona we need to hustle a bit tomorrow.

Summerlan RV park advertised repairs on site, as it turned out we had a water leak in the bathroom piping behind the toilet.  Good old boy "buddy" fixed it within a couple of minutes of us setting up and did it for a thank you!  Other than the leak we have no lights on the tow vehicle, new 4-way and female clue!  If I make it to Des Moines without getting stopped I may be in the market for an electrician........anybody know a good one?

So far only a few plow-ups between the captain and the crew, you'd think after all the trips made the routine could be adhered hear this, Captain my Captain!  Ship shape is the word of the day.

Looking forward to about 500 miles tomorrow and peace in the coach!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

T-minus 2 days and a wake-up

Picked up the motor home this morning from Camping World, finally got the new tow package braking system finished.  Hooked up the new Jeep Grand Cherokee and drove home with no problems, now some minor cleaning and then packing and we should be set for another journey across this great land of sights beyond imagination.  Yes, I love traveling the USA, as Dinah Shore used to say "see the USA".

Now we just need to say our prayers and hope the price of gas stabilizes and doesn't keep going higher!  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Counting down......

It's that time again, getting ready for our annual journey in the motor home.  We plan on leaving Saturday this week, the 30th, that is if the motor home is ready.  Seems each year the cost of getting it ship shape or travel ready cost more and more!  This year we made it more stressful by buying a new car which needed a towing package installed, only problem was only a limited number of parts from the Jeep Wrangler could be used.  The new Jeep Grand Cherokee is a dream come true to our old bones and bodies, climbing  in and out and the ride much more enjoyable.  Seems everything made easier or pleasant comes with a price!  At this point we're just hoping they get it done by Friday.

As usual this year we will once again begin by heading to our roots in the Hawkeye State, Iowa.  A week in Des Moines then onto the Quad Cities for another week or so after a couple of reunions sandwiched in between.  Daughter, Lisa and Grandson Jack will be joining us for the first 3 weeks of the trip, then Matt, Dayani and Dalila will flying into the Quads from a few weeks in the Dominican Republic to spend 3 days with us before all the kids and grand kids fly back to Phoenix together June 21st.

I will be once again trying to document our journey via this blog while traveling, please join us again this year as we see more of this great country of ours.  We will by visiting friends and family along the way see and interact with folks and learn more of these lands we call our great nation.  Yes one of the best places for doing all that is the golf course, and we plan on doing a lot of that too!  Bev and I hope you will join us via my blog.  Counting down.....T minus 4 days.