Monday, August 30, 2010
Saving energy or not?
This is a stretch of highway going through State trust land mainly on both the north and south sides of the road, a ranch here or there and some homes a few acres off the road to both the north and south. There are streets like 12th, 16th, 24th and 36th and run into the road from the north but do not cross the road to the south. A few folks living north of the highway will use these streets to get to Carefree Hwy, and with what little traffic there is might have to wait 10 to 30 seconds after arriving at the stop sign before turning right or left onto Carefree Hwy. I said 10 to 30 seconds they might have to sit and wait to enter onto Carefree Hwy...............not 10 to 30 minutes but SECONDS!
A while back our City, DOT, or whomever decided to put up some lights at 16th and 24th street entrances onto Carefree Hwy, lights used only by those few folks turning left or right onto the highway mind you. Now folks traveling on Carefree Hwy east and west are moving at speeds of 55 mph to 65 mph most often on a posted 55 mph Hwy, and the traffic cruises right along and always has which allows those entering not to have to sit and wait more that the 10 - 30 seconds most of the time.
Now stop and think about this from an energy use perspective, you see now if a car pulls up to enter Carefree Hwy from one of these streets he/she may have to wait up to 3 to 5 minutes for the light to change all the time the engine is running burning gas. When the light does change for them the many more cars just cruising along Carefree Hwy have to brake very hard to slow down in a hurry in order to stop for these lights. These cars have to slow down from speeds of around 60 mph to a stop in seconds or decide to put it to the floor and run the yellow or fading green light...............very dangerous! OK, now that one or maybe after waiting 5 minutes there are now two cars there at the light, they proceed to make there turns while maybe a dozen cars wait for this usually one guy to enter the Hwy. Now the light turns green for what has become 12 to 15 cars now from the east and the west and they all stomp on the gas to get back up to speed and in doing so have opened all four barrels if the carburetor is that big which is the case for a lot of cowboys in their trucks. Do you get the picture, one guy gets to wait 3 to 5 minutes burning gas while dozens stop on a dime and then burn out or stomp on it burning 25 times the gas they'd have burned just cruising right along the highway and stopping for that one or two vehicles that might not even have been there if they didn't have to wait for a green light!
In my opinion these light have cost us so much in wasted energy it's pathetic and assinine, does anyone thing of these things went putting up a traffic light years sooner than it might have been needed? Maybe one or two old farts bitched about waiting a few seconds more or less one night and had the pull to get these put in.....................what a waste of time, energy and money for the City of Phoenix.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
We're not all whacko's, keeping some pretty good company!
This is an open letter from Lou Pritchett, of Procter & Gamble
Check it out here:
Dear President Obama, You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you. You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support. You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American. You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll. You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core. You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others. You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail. You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' crowd and deliver this message abroad. You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector. You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves. You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world. You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations. You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals. You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people. You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient. You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view. You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing. Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years. Lou Pritchett; (
Something also I just noticed, spell check does not recognize "Obama" as a word or wants me to change it to Alabama! Go figure.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Some food for thought.
That's right, every other modern Developed nation in the world has gotten rid of birthright citizenship policies. Yet, most of U.S. news media and politicians the last two weeks have ridiculed the comments by some other politicians that it is time for the U.S. to put an end to birthright citizenship for tourists and illegal aliens. Folks, the U.S. stands alone. There used to be all kinds of Developed countries that gave away their citizenship as freely as we do in the U.S. But one by one they all have recognized the folly of that policy.
Canada was the last non-U.S. holdout. Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009.
Australia's birthright citizenship requirements are much more stringent than those of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007.
New Zealand repealed in 2006
Ireland repealed in 2005
France repealed in 1993
India repealed in 1987
United Kingdom repealed in 1983
Portugal repealed in 1981
The United States is currently the laughing stock of the modern world. Only the U.S. values its citizenship so lowly as to distribute it promiscuously to the off-spring of foreign citizens visiting Disney World on tourist visa's and to foreign citizens who have violated their promises on their visitor, work and student visas to stay illegally in the country, as well as to those who sneak across our borders.
Really stop and think about this, no really stop and think about it not just asinine when you think about it? We need to take our country back from those that would have us be so liberal, socialistic and far left reaching, when will the majority rule once more?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Brother Dave
Dave is 6 1/2 years younger that I am and as you might imagine growing up we didn't have too much in common other than him being my kid brother and me being the big older brother. Like when I was say 12 and in my glory in little league he was but a lad of 5 1/2 and I don't even remember Mom bringing him to our games that often. When I was 15 - 16 and getting a permit and then license to drive he would have been 9 1/2 or 10 and really not involved in the same things I'd be doing or trying. When I was 18 years old and heading to the military, USAF for four years, Dave was 11 1/2 and not even a teenager yet. Dave probably did most of his growing up, his formative years if you will while I was away for those four years. Dave would have went from 12 to 16 during my military service and from 16 to 18 while I was moving around the United States from Oklahoma to Arizona back in 1970 to late in 1971.
I really didn't get to know my brother much other than brief encounters on Sundays at the folks house or what family outings I might have attend before or after getting married. When I got married at age 25 Dave would have been 18 1/2 and chopping at the bit to get the hell out of the church and back with his friends. Don't get me wrong it's not that I didn't love by brother or see him as often as I could, we just had too many years between us to do much bonding it seems.
Now I can say after only two weeks with Dave here with us it seems I've learned so much more about him, his life and his family and friends. I'm totally enjoying sitting down and talking with him and learning more about him and his life and times. Sure Dave came out here to do some painting and help me around the place get some stuff done, but he's having a hard time taking a break. I want him to enjoy himself too and hope he stays longer than we both might have had in mind when this all started. Something I'm trying to let him know over and over is he and or we don't have to be working every day, we can take it easy now and then also. One thing that I have to stop and think about now and again while we're working it yes he's my kid brother but he is 57 years old and not a young rooster anymore either. I find myself thinking.....Dave can do it, he's by little brother and I can sit back a bit but that's no longer the case. Those years of difference we had when we both were much younger don't seem to be that big of a difference anymore, we're both older and need a rest now and then (more now than then!).
I hope to become closer and also hope we both learn a great deal more about one another during this visit, life it too short and we have so much catching up to do. I love my brother and me and my family are glad he's here with us.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Motor home clean and unload
I truly think if we wait too long this feeling might subside but I sure hope not, we still have a couple of years before Bev can retire completely and do more traveling in the coach. We've been slightly intrigued by this worker kamper program we've heard about and talked to a few folks about, it sounds like something we might enjoy. Worker kamper's are folks that work for 3 to 6 months (usually more like 3) at RV parks and resorts across the country for free space rental plus wages. Those we've talked to say it's anywhere from minimum wage to $8 to $10 an hour for both people and usually about 25 to 30 hours a week. With that your seeing different parts of the country and it's not costing but gas to get to where your going and sight seeing money while in different areas. I don't know, but at this point it sounds like something we'd enjoy for a while and keep busy at the same time.
Now I need to get the bus cleaned outside and make appointments for oil changes and some minor fix it stuff and get that darn mirror fixed (on his insurance companies dime!) before we can think about another trip. I think it will be sooner rather than later................................
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Been a while since Abilene....................
We ended up eating dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant in El Paso and decided to just hit the road rather than try and find someplace to park it for the night, I'm usually not in favor of night driving anymore but oh well. Early into New Mexico we caught some rain and it started to get nasty so we ended up in a truck stop and parked with the big rigs and got some sleep, but did make it most of the way through the small part of NM before we stopped. The next morning I woke about 5:30 am and showered and jumped back into the pilots seat and closed up slides with Bev still in bed and Dave dozing. The ice cream was doing great on the new dry ice, those blocks where just what the doctor ordered and had gift froze solid in no time. We pulled into Phoenix and home about noon and had a wonderful reunion with the kids and grand kids, it was good to be home but we sure had a good time on the road...............we both agree!
As it turns out we were very over zealous when making the ice cream purchase, we bought a 3 gallon tub and a couple of additional 1/2 flavors for the party. The ice cream was a huge hit but as of this writing we still have about a gallon left and two of the 1/2 gallons..............I could have gotten by with a couple of 2 or 3 half gallons and just put them in the coach freezer and save $150 in dry ice and $50 in ice cream but what the hell, Jack's only 4 years old once! By the way $1.99 a pound at Hy-Vee and $1.59 in Jefferson, Texas and at the ice plant........$1.00 a pound, the only place to buy it and a more solid block too!
The birthday party was a good reunion with friends and family, we had a good first day back and have been going ever since. Dave has settled into the spare bedroom and has already painted the other bedroom and is working on the Jack and Jill bathroom between the two, it's been good having him here with us and look forward to a few more weeks of good times together.
Our reunion at church was bitter sweet, it was good to be back in the church we enjoy so much but pastor Dwight was out of town so we wait another week to hear one of his wonderful sermons. Pastor Norman personally welcomed us back and that was very nice of him we sure do enjoy both of them and our time there. We had to rush our meeting during and after church with our good friends Fred and Ruth but will make it up soon. We hope and pray all goes well for them too!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Catcing up a bit................
We arrived in Jefferson, Texas Tuesday evening at cousin Walt's place, where he had things all set up for us including 30 amp service for the motor home. We sure appreciated all he had done to get things ready for our short visit, including a nice steak dinner on the BBQ and some fine salads by wife Linda.........thanks again you two! We spent that evening (after eating dinner) talking old times and having a few drinks and trying to keep cool, man was it humid. I changed t-shirts 3 times from when we arrived to bed time all were soaking wet with perspiration and very uncomfortable to be wearing. With temps at 102 degrees with 88% humidity is a killer, give me dry anytime over humidity, this summer has been as bad a summer as these folks had during the winter.............not very comfortable at all.
Wednesday we went to Walt's favorite place for breakfast and the cook was off that day and he pissed of the replacement so it took one helluva long time to get served. No biggie, just Walt being Walt and we weren't in a hurry anyway to get back into the heat of the day. We gave Dave a tour of Jefferson (quick tour) and stopped into the General Store later that day for shakes and floats! We picked up a couple of more items for the grand kids and off we went to get back into the air conditioning. We thought about running over to Shreveport and visit a couple of casino's but decided to stay home and watch TV a bit and order pizza and just talk some more.............hell we'll be lucky to make it home with any cash the way it is, no more casino's!
We've been having to run the generator while driving down the road to keep the bus air conditioner going, with Dave and Bev only one can be up front in the bus air and it gets pretty hot in the back without the generator and the bus air running, so using much more gas but trying to stay cool also.
Plan on getting a early start tomorrow, early being by maybe 8:30 or so, after breakfast that's for sure and then onto El Paso and into New Mexico for a bit. We'll most likely stay another night somewhere down the line but not sure how far we'll get, that depends on the heat and how we all feel at the time. Lunch on the road has been fun with Dave along and we'll be doing the same tomorrow, find a good road side rest area and either grill or make sandwiches and but relaxing too. We went swimming at the KOA pool as soon as we got set up tonight, it sure was nice and refreshing............water was actually cold and it felt oh so good let me tell you, not 90 degrees like at home that's for sure. Will bring you up to date when we stop tomorrow, who know where we'll be................tune in to see and hear!
Monday, August 2, 2010
5 sentences you must read....................
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Some of you may have seen this already either here or there but I feel it's worth repeating and getting out to others, these are truly 5 great sentences no matter what you think politically!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
RAGBRAI day 6 and 7
Day 6 was Waterloo to Manchester, Iowa, a relativly short day but the weather finally caught up with us and the team left Waterloo in the rain and road in the rain most of the day. By the time the team made it to Manchester they had been wet and cold and wet and then dried out a bit, no the best of days but to the veterans it wasn't the worst they had seen either. The shower felt good that afternoon and they were so glad Dave and Heather from the Trout Fish Hatchery we were staying at had plenty of floor space so tents weren't needed this night. We all went into Manchester for the festivities and grab a bit to eat and I must say I ate the best brisket I've ever had in my life from "Sugar Rays BBQ" stand. The music was playing with a good band and a couple of not so good bands but after a few brews it didn't sound too bad. Tomorrow would be the last days ride, Manchester to Dubuque and dipping the tires in the Mississippi river. This day was short also in being only 48 miles, but there was some elevation on the last day, including a mile plus long hill over 6% call potters hill and it took it's toll. The team said there were more than not riders now walking their bikes up this grade, but team Pokey Spokes road all the way to the top and that's means the entire team. I guess the main thing that helped most of them was the fact that those walking really cheered them on and chanted "You can make can make it!" and they did. Bev and I had parked a few miles from the dip zone at Doug and Jean Cheever's place where once again our gracious host had soft drinks, beer and munchies waiting for the riders to arrive. We visited a bit with the host, the team showered and we hoped into the motor home and headed back to Des Moines.
Bev and I had stopped at an RV camp about half way between Manchester and Dubuque to dump our tanks and fill up with water in the tank, and while doing so refill the fridge with bottled water which I had extra in the Jeep we were towing. While unloading the case of bottled water from the Jeep I had to take out Brian Steen's duffel bag and yes you guessed it, I forgot to put it back in the Jeep and took off towards Dubuque and meeting the team. Brian was ready to take his shower when he asked me "do you know where my bag is?" and that's when we realized I had left it behind at the RV park we stopped at. Bev gave them a call and thank God it was still sitting on the ground and luckily it was on our way back west and to Des Moines, so we picked it up and I was very relieved needless to say.
We dropped Brian Steen and his son Nate off where we had picked them up a week earlier, said our goodbyes and headed to Marks house and a dinner that was waiting for us. Meeting Brian and Nate was a pleasure and a couple of guys I hope to see again someday. We arrive at Marks about 9:00 p.m., ate dinner and most went to bed beat after a long week of bike riding, eating weird and different foods and snacks and drinking plenty of beer along the way.
Bev and I had a wonderful time and it was indeed our pleasure to have breakfast ready and snacks and dinners when we did and plenty of beer on ice when the days ride was finished. We visited many small Iowa communities and met many folks and were treated like royalty by our host families, no wonder this is one of the premier rides in the United States each year.
Tomorrow a.m. we take the Jeep to Davenport (3 hours east) pick up my brother Dave and head back to Des Moines hook up the Jeep and head to Texas to visit cousin Walt for a Day or so. My Brother has agreed to hitch a ride and do some painting in our house and Lisa's in exchange for a few weeks at the Anderson resort and spa in Phoenix. It will be our pleasure to take care of Dave and help him to enjoy Phoenix for a few weeks in exchange for some painting of our rooms.
RAGBRAI XXXVIII is now in the books and it was good.............................................